In this post we'll take a close look at the this year's Paris Auto Show, one of the major events in the automotive world, that will start on September 29 and it will last until October 14. The visitors should expect the world's car jet set and the most dazzling cars to be presented.

The top-notch car manufacturers will not miss this event and will unveil their latest inventions and some new "beasts on wheels". Superstars of the show will the the French giants Renault, Citroen and Peugeot, the British hotshot Jaguar and some of the old-school Germans, like Volkswagen (Golf). Lexus and Bentley will round up this gang.

Arguably, the new Jaguar is the shining star of the event, but there are many other contenders there, especially the new Ford’s Mondeo, Golf, McLaren’s P1, and unofficially the new Range Rover.

The Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) is an agency that is in charge of everything related to vehicle registration and licensing drivers. It is a state agency, which means every US state has its own separate DMV, with its own set of rules and regulations.

The DMV has many responsibilities in regards with motor vehicles, drivers and traffic in general. One of the main and most basic responsibilities of the DMV is issuing vehicle registrations and titles, which serve as a proof that you own the vehicle you drive.

The early beginnings of DMVs lie in the early 20th century, when the first motor vehicles fired up the streets in the USA. As there were only horse-drawn carriages on the roads prior to that, there had to be new laws implemented that would regulate these new vehicles and their interaction with other participants in traffic and the safety of drivers and passengers.

DMVs have changed a lot over time. They have introduced new services so that they can become more efficient and keep up with the growing number of vehicles that people drive. As a result, more and more vehicles need to be registered, and more and more people need to get a driver's license. DMVs try to deal with the growing demand by implementing new technologies in their work, offering online services that help to reduce waiting times and process applications faster. You can now make DMV appointments online, which results in shorter waiting lines, and all that equals to less stress and saving precious time.

The California Department of Motor Vehicles has passed new laws that brought changes to the Vehicle Code. They came into force on January 1, 2012. Most of the laws have a significant effect on the way driver's behave in traffic, the registration fees, child passenger safety regulations and more aspects related to drivers and their vehicles. In this article we'll offer a preview of the ones that will have the most impact on all participants in traffic.

We'll begin with the changes to safety regulations. These include new regulations in child passenger safety, as all children under the age of 8, or under the height of 4 feet 9 inches will now have to be seated in a car seat or a booster seat. The previous age limit for this requirement was 6. They also must ride in the back seats, unless the vehicle doesn't have back seats. Regarding cell phone laws, people must not use cell phones while driving, unless they use a hands-free set. Breaking this law would mean that you have to pay a ticket, but you won't get any points for that. Certain legislators in California asked for assigning penalty points for these violations, but their suggestions unfortunately didn't pass.

Another significant change is made in regards with DUI checkpoints. Although all drivers must consent to be submitted to a breath, urine or blood test, law enforcement officers won't have the right to impound your vehicle only on the account of not having a valid driver's license, provided you've already passed the sobriety test. This could also affect traffic safety, because a lot of traffic accidents are committed by unlicensed drivers.

Moreover, persons convicted of reckless driving can get a restricted license before their suspension ends. However, their vehicle must have an Ignition Interlock Device.

As far as electric vehicles are concerned, they may now be towed from designated electric vehicles parking spaces, unless they are plugged in for re-fueling.

Lastly, a change in regulations that will affect driver's pockets directly. Registration fees have been raised from $31 to $43. That's maybe a small burden to you household's budget, but it will bring some substantial amount of additional income to the DMV.

You can visit the California DMV website for more information.

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I will write all sorts of how-to articles on many different subjects related to the DMV, car reviews, automotive trends, and useful tips for drivers.

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