The Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) is an agency that is in charge of everything related to vehicle registration and licensing drivers. It is a state agency, which means every US state has its own separate DMV, with its own set of rules and regulations.

The DMV has many responsibilities in regards with motor vehicles, drivers and traffic in general. One of the main and most basic responsibilities of the DMV is issuing vehicle registrations and titles, which serve as a proof that you own the vehicle you drive.

The early beginnings of DMVs lie in the early 20th century, when the first motor vehicles fired up the streets in the USA. As there were only horse-drawn carriages on the roads prior to that, there had to be new laws implemented that would regulate these new vehicles and their interaction with other participants in traffic and the safety of drivers and passengers.

DMVs have changed a lot over time. They have introduced new services so that they can become more efficient and keep up with the growing number of vehicles that people drive. As a result, more and more vehicles need to be registered, and more and more people need to get a driver's license. DMVs try to deal with the growing demand by implementing new technologies in their work, offering online services that help to reduce waiting times and process applications faster. You can now make DMV appointments online, which results in shorter waiting lines, and all that equals to less stress and saving precious time.

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